Coaching For Success


Coaching for Success

Coaching To The Human Soul

Lee coaches the human soul, to help people give birth to themselves. In each individual or group session, you will learn from a master facilitator and professional certified coach.  The process combines the creativity of storytelling with the integration of philosophy, psychology, nursing, and leadership best practices to offer a multidisciplinary coaching synthesis.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Expertise facilitating thought-provoking discussions around Social Justice, Cultural Humility, Unconscious Bias, Unconscious Bias and Targeted Selection Teams; Spirituality in Healthcare, and LGBTQI Diversity & Inclusion. Applying what you learn in each of these 4-hour sessions will enable you to appreciate the humanity in every person you encounter.

Laughter Yoga:  Laugh for the Health of it!

If laughter is the best medicine, when is the last time you laughed heartily? Numerous studies show that children laugh 112-115 times per day, while many adults struggle to laugh 12-15 times.  Laughter is contagious and has a powerful and immediate effect on our mind, body, and spirit.  Did you know that our bodies can’t tell the difference between real or simulated laughter? In this 1-hour session, you will laugh for the health of it!  Applying what you learn on a consistent basis can reduce stress, increase blood flow and oxygenation, enhance endorphins, and improve health.

Conflict Management

Conflict is not always negative.  Often, ideas evolve and resolution occurs while working through the “groan zone.” Prior to this session, participants complete the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI), and learn negotiation principles from an alternative dispute resolution certified facilitator.  Applying the tips and techniques from this 3.5-hour session can enable teams to enhance productivity, efficiency, and morale.

Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EQ-I 2.0) 

Building your Emotional intelligence skills can help you manage self and improve relationships with others.  Prior to this session, participants can complete the EQi -2.0. During the session we gain a better understanding of self, and the ways we “show up” in social settings.  Applying what you learn in this session can enable you to improve your emotional intelligence, make better decisions and create interactions skills for success. 

Change Management: Appreciative Inquiry (AI)

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a Change Management Process. The underlying assumption of AI is the belief that excellence exists in every organization, group or society. During this session, participants learn how to ask appreciative questions. Applying what you learn in this session allows individuals and organizations to value the best of what exists as they move closer to organizational effectiveness.